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Support Options

Commercial support for nanomsg and related projects is available.

You are under no obligation to purchase commercial support from anyone to use these, and the latest source code is always open free of charge.

Vendors and Consultants

Staysail Systems, Inc.

Staysail Systems employs the primary developer for nanomsg, nng, and mangos. Therefore, Staysail Systems can develop new language bindings, ports, transports, or even protocols, as well as support integration into larger projects.

Adding to this List

In order to add your name to this list, simply send a message to Garrett D’Amore. Please include your name, a contact email address or URL, and a sentence or two about your offering. Alternatively submit a PR for this against the gh-pages branch of the nanomsg GIT repository.

Free/Self Support

Please see the Community page for links to community resources, including chat rooms and the mailing list.

"nanomsg" is a trademark of Garrett D'Amore.