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Getting Started with 'nng'
This document is derived from an original post by Tim Dysinger. However, the examples here are for nng instead of nanomsg. For the legacy nanomsg version of this, see Getting Started with 'nanomsg'.

Pipeline (A One-Way Pipe)

A One-Way Pipe

This pattern is useful for solving producer/consumer problems, including load-balancing. Messages flow from the push side to the pull side. If multiple peers are connected, the pattern attempts to distribute fairly.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <nng/nng.h>
#include <nng/protocol/pipeline0/pull.h>
#include <nng/protocol/pipeline0/push.h>

#define NODE0 "node0"
#define NODE1 "node1"

fatal(const char *func, int rv)
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", func, nng_strerror(rv));

node0(const char *url)
        nng_socket sock;
        int rv;

        if ((rv = nng_pull0_open(&sock)) != 0) {
                fatal("nng_pull0_open", rv);
        if ((rv = nng_listen(sock, url, NULL, 0)) != 0) {
                fatal("nng_listen", rv);
        for (;;) {
                char *buf = NULL;
                size_t sz;
                if ((rv = nng_recv(sock, &buf, &sz, NNG_FLAG_ALLOC)) != 0) {
                        fatal("nng_recv", rv);
                printf("NODE0: RECEIVED \"%s\"\n", buf); (1)
                nng_free(buf, sz);

node1(const char *url, char *msg)
        int sz_msg = strlen(msg) + 1; // '\0' too
        nng_socket sock;
        int rv;
        int bytes;

        if ((rv = nng_push0_open(&sock)) != 0) {
                fatal("nng_push0_open", rv);
        if ((rv = nng_dial(sock, url, NULL, 0)) != 0) {
                fatal("nng_dial", rv);
        printf("NODE1: SENDING \"%s\"\n", msg);
        if ((rv = nng_send(sock, msg, strlen(msg)+1, 0)) != 0) {
                fatal("nng_send", rv);
        sleep(1); // wait for messages to flush before shutting down
        return (0);

main(int argc, char **argv)
        if ((argc > 1) && (strcmp(NODE0, argv[1]) == 0))
                return (node0(argv[2]));

        if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp(NODE1, argv[1]) == 0))
                return (node1(argv[2], argv[3]));

        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: pipeline %s|%s <URL> <ARG> ...'\n",
                NODE0, NODE1);
        return (1);
1 Blithely assumes message is ASCIIZ string. Real code should check it.
gcc pipeline.c -lnng -o pipeline
./pipeline node0 ipc:///tmp/pipeline.ipc & node0=$! && sleep 1
./pipeline node1 ipc:///tmp/pipeline.ipc "Hello, World!"
./pipeline node1 ipc:///tmp/pipeline.ipc "Goodbye."
kill $node0
NODE1: SENDING "Hello, World!"
NODE0: RECEIVED "Hello, World!"
NODE1: SENDING "Goodbye."
NODE0: RECEIVED "Goodbye."
"nanomsg" is a trademark of Garrett D'Amore.